“How do I protect the progress I’ve made and
find my voice once I leave treatment?”

It’s one of the most common questions we hear from those completing one of our programs.

Meadows Case Management provides a bridge between treatment and returning home, offering support as you take those first fragile steps back out into the world, so you can make what you’ve learned come alive in the places that matter most.

 “We are an ADVOCATE — for the patient, the family, and healthcare providers. We can be a voice for them when they’re not sure how to be that for themselves.”

What We Offer

Case Management will look different for every person. The common thread is that we are there for you 24/7. You determine how much support you need and how long you want to benefit from our expertise, experience, and ability to help you anticipate and overcome any barriers to your goals and your ongoing recovery.

Meadows Case Management includes:


Your Meadows Case Manager can serve as a sounding board or a safe space, providing perspective or a reality check as you apply what you learned in treatment to everyday situations and challenges.


Learning shouldn’t end when you’ve completed treatment, so Meadows Case Management provides ongoing education for you and your loved ones in the form of psychoeducation, personalized sessions, and topical workshops.


Let us help you continue the work you’ve already begun by establishing therapeutic alliances with providers in your area, identifying local support groups, and finding resources for loved ones.


We want to help you live the life you imagine. That may include helping you identify career goals, academic pursuits, or other interests. We also offer crisis response so if a relapse happens, there’s a plan in place to get you back on course.

Unparalleled Leadership

The Meadows Case Management team brings a wide range of experience to the job they
do and a passion for helping you reach your goals.

Why Choose Case Management?

For Patients

Everyone is afraid of those first initial months back home, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help as you encounter new situations and challenges and begin applying the techniques you’ve learned.

For Loved Ones

Meadows Case Management isn’t just for the patient, it’s for family as well. We’re not here to change what is already working for you as a family, we just want to help you protect the investment you’ve made into your loved one’s recovery.

For Referring Professionals

Your patients are just that, your patients. We appreciate the trust you place in us when you refer them for treatment, and it is our goal to return to your care. Our services come alongside to enhance and reinforce existing treatment relationships.

Contact Us

As you consider extending your commitment to treatment through our Meadows Case Management services, we’re here to answer any questions you have. Reach out today to discuss how we can meet your specific needs.